What Type of Pet Is Right for You?
Articles and posts for your pets.
How to Maintain Your Dog Fencing System: Repair and Cleaning Tips
To guarantee your dog’s safety and wellbeing, you must maintain the fencing system. Maintaining the best possible condition and avoiding mishaps or injuries can be achieved by routinely cleaning and repairing your dog’s fencing system. We’ll give you some helpful maintenance advice for your dog fence system in this article. Cleaning Tips Check the fence…
Commercial Dog Food Vs. Raw Food
You want to know what food is best for your priceless dogs, of course, as pet owners. There are a plethora of dog food options available in your local grocery aisle, all claiming to be the best available. How can someone know where to start when there are so many options available? The fact is…
Dog Bark Collar Training: Hints and Tips to Train a Dog to Stop Barking
Excessive barking can be a common behavior problem that can test the patience of a pet owner. Dog bark collar training is one option that some owners consider.
A Guide to Proper Horse Grooming
Artistic license is allowed in fleshing out your grooming kit, but the above list includes the bare bones essentials. Good grooming tools are worth the cost.
Horse Health
Routine grooming, exercise, hoof care, nutrition and environmental housekeeping are key steps in maintaining the health of your horse. Horses are, by nature, social animals and interaction and company from other horses will ensure their mental well-being.
Basic Horse Needs
A horse should have access to a paddock of around three acres, which should have some natural shelter, good grass cover and adequate drainage.
Responsibilities of Horse Ownership
Horses have certain needs irrespective of the husbandry system under which they are kept. As a responsible horse owner you must provide food, water, and more.
Considerations of Buying a Horse
Owning a horse is a huge responsibility. It means hard work and dirty chores for a long time, and it also means quite a considerable expense.
Horses FAQ
The expected life span of a horse or pony is approximately twenty to thirty years. Although according to the Guinness Book of Records Old Billy believed to a Cleveland Bay cross eastern horse foaled in 1760 and lived to the incredible age of 62.

Does your dog like to get out of your property?
An electric dog fence is your solution, and you can definitely do it yourself. It is a simple task!