Tag: horses

  • Brown horse on green grass hill

    A Guide to Proper Horse Grooming

    Artistic license is allowed in fleshing out your grooming kit, but the above list includes the bare bones essentials. Good grooming tools are worth the cost.

  • Horse Health

    Routine grooming, exercise, hoof care, nutrition and environmental housekeeping are key steps in maintaining the health of your horse. Horses are, by nature, social animals and interaction and company from other horses will ensure their mental well-being.

  • Basic Horse Needs

    A horse should have access to a paddock of around three acres, which should have some natural shelter, good grass cover and adequate drainage.

  • Responsibilities of Horse Ownership

    Horses have certain needs irrespective of the husbandry system under which they are kept. As a responsible horse owner you must provide food, water, and more.

  • Considerations of Buying a Horse

    Owning a horse is a huge responsibility. It means hard work and dirty chores for a long time, and it also means quite a considerable expense.

  • Horses FAQ

    The expected life span of a horse or pony is approximately twenty to thirty years. Although according to the Guinness Book of Records Old Billy believed to a Cleveland Bay cross eastern horse foaled in 1760 and lived to the incredible age of 62.

  • Horses

    When horses first became domesticated, they had two roles. The slower, cold-blooded forest horses were beasts of burden and the faster, warm-blooded plains horses were a means of fast travel.

  • What is the difference between a horse breed and a horse type?

    A horse breed relies on the existence of a stud book. The stud book records and registers pedigree. However, a breed used to refer to a group(s) of equines living in a particular area.

  • Blacksmiths for Horses

    The hooves are just about the most easily affected part of a horse’s body. The hooves can crack, rot, break off, etc. Those are just a few reasons that you should find a suitable blacksmith.

  • Horse Love and Companionship

    Showing your horse love and companionship is the most important part in taking care of your horse. Without your horse feeling love, he/she will not become attatched to you.