Category: Cat
Basic Cat Needs
The only accommodation a cat needs in the house is a good bed which may be any comfortable chair, box or basket. Beds can be purchased but these are ignored.
Considerations of buying a cat
Before you purchase a cat please ensure that you have thought carefully about the responsibility of cat ownership. Never will be good buying a cat on impulse.
Proper Cat and Kitten Care
Cats were domesticated by humans thousands of years ago. Through this process, they have become totally dependent on us to meet their daily needs and to protect them from harm. Because we have socialized them to live with human families, they require regular attention and love in addition to the basics of food, water, shelter,…
Just for Kids: Cat Talk
Do you ever wish your cat could talk to you? Wouldn`t you like to know what he`s thinking sometimes? Well, your cat “talks” to you all the time. If you pay attention, you may be able to “hear” him. Although he may not actually speak, your cat communicates in several different ways. These are some…
Understanding Your Cat
Cats are born with a hunting and chasing instinct. But they are not necessarily born hunters that kill for food. Killing and eating prey are generally learned behaviors. Hunger will not automatically teach a cat to kill. A cat can be a skillful mouse killer and yet never eat a single mouse or even desire…
Traveling or Boarding Your Cat
The very first rule of traveling with your cat is to have an ID tag or other means of identification securely affixed to the kitty. Thousands of dogs and cats end up in shelters simply because the owners never dreamed the pet would get loose or become lost while on a trip. There are few…
Collar Choices
When you get a new kitten, you will have to pick an appropriate collar. Choosing a collar may seem straightforward, but it is important to investigate the products and consider various safety factors. Few Things to Consider First, consider the style of collar you want. There are several different types of safety collars to choose…
Caring for your cat
You`re probably thinking, “How hard can it be? Cats can take care of themselves.” But think again. Living with a cat may not involve much work, but it doesn`t mean a total hands-off policy, either. Being a responsible cat owner can be as simple as keeping your cat indoors, providing him with companionship, having her…